FREEZE is a new type of comedy entertainment game show, originally produced by Hitoshi Matsumoto, following LOL (Last One Laughing) and distributed on Amazon Prime Video. Contestants battle it out for a grand prize. In this unique show, the rules of the game are simple – players enter a closed room and simply must “freeze” until the presenter releases them. With traps and tricks along the way that provoke reactions from the players, such as flying mannequins and giant popping balloons. Only those who remain still while overcoming the unimaginable nonsense and harsh challenges beyond the limits of mind and body, will survive to battle it out for a place in the grand finale. Those who move, laugh, or react the most will be eliminated. The player who remains still for the longest time throughout the game is crowned the winner and will receive a prize.
Also originally produced by Hitoshi Matsumoto, LOL, has already been adapted in more than 20 countries worldwide, and in recent years, European market in particular has seen an increase in acquisition of Japanese content formats. We hope this format will also become a local program that will be loved by audiences around the world.
*Ref) Press Release on March:
About FANY Studio
FANY Studio is a Tokyo-based production company that was established on May 1st, 2023.
FANY Studio is a joint venture of NTT DOCOMO, Japan’s largest mobile operator and a provider of local OTT PF called Lemino, and Yoshimoto Kogyo, Japan’s largest production powerhouse company and a production owner of LOL. Making use of strengths of both companies, we create an innovative entertainment business and revolutionize its ecosystem from Tokyo. From producing formats especially comedy and game shows to producing WEBTOON and dramas, FANY Studio creates global standardized content actively.
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