Seven comedians unfold unique and hilarious stories according to a certain theme. It's a large-scale psychological talk battle variety show where contestants engage in a talk battle while trying to find who is telling the lie. Kendo Kobayashi will appear as the MC.
Seven contestants are Shiho Ueda (Oda Ueda) the winner of The W Onna Geinin No. 1 Kettei-sen, KAZMA (Shizuru) who advanced to the finals of King of Conte four times, Kazunobu Kubota (Toro Salmon) the champion of the M-1 Grand Prix 2017, Taiga Harada (Biscuit Brothers) the champion of the King of Conte 2022, Minamikawa who is a versatile aspect with his unique career as a comedian and a mixed martial art fighter, Kazuya Kunizaki (Ranjyatai) the finalist of the M-1 Grand Prix 2021, and Shinji Mizuta (Wagyu) the M-1's first three consecutive years champion.
Furthermore, Makoto Sanada, an active nurse and bikini model, appears as a server to support MC Kendo Kobayashi.
Please enjoy the fluently unfolded stories by the contestants while guessing who is telling true and fake stories together.
The show's opening theme is "Intelligent Bad Bwoy feat. C.O.S.A., Daigos" by popular rapper BIM. Please check out the music that livens the program's worldview.
In addition, the official X for the show (@usokamajika) has also opened. Many original short-form videos that can only be seen on this account will be posted, so be sure to check it out.
Lie or Truth
Lemino's original talk and psychological battle variety show "Lie or Truth"
The seven contestants and the trailer have been revealed!
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