This is a new social deduction game show in which contestants who want to "get big money" compete for the top prize of 5 million yen. The contestants include nine money-hungry people from various professions, including an influencer, actress, announcer, and comedian. And the studio MC this time will be Atsushi Tamura (London BootsIchi-go Ni-go 2), Enako, Hasen Kuniyama, Kei Yamazaki (Aiseki Start), and Mayurika.
[Show Overview]
■ Title: Werewolf Game
■Broadcast schedule: Episode 1 ~ 3 Wednesday
,March 13,Streaming schedule20:00~
Episode 4 ~ 6
Wednesday, March20,202420:00~
■LeminoStreaming page:
■ Synopsis: "I want to get big money." Nine money-hungry people gatherwith their desires on full display, and a money game with a maximum prize of 5 million yen begins! The contestants kick others down, deceive and betray each other, and become suspicious of each other. Who will be the most greedy money-hungry person to survive this money game where human desires and intentions intertwine, and have the last laugh? A new type of reality show that is not about romance is born!
[Program cast]
・Money game host
Pistachio Ijichi
・Money game contestants
Kenshiro Iwai, Oishi (Onipurin), Moe Kawase, Mitsuki Kimijima, Asako Sakamoto, Shohei Shibata, Maru Hinata, Ririka Moriwaki, Nonoka Yamaguchi (in alphabetical order)
・Studio MC
Atsushi Tamura (London BootsIchi-go Ni-go), Enako, Hasen Kuniyama, Kei Yamazaki (Aiseki Start), Mayurika
[Comment from studio MC Atsushi Tamura]
I was drawn into the world from the very beginning.
The emotional ups and downs of the people taking part in this game with huge amounts of money at stake, and of course the money game itself, are fascinating, making this content that is worth pondering and speculating on! I felt that it could be enjoyed over and over again, depending on the perspective and who you focus on.